الاثنين، 26 أغسطس 2024

Who are you?

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

Who are you?

David Soh

Who are you?

   We live in an ever changing

   world where technology

   changes rapidly and 

   everyone is trying to adapt

   We asked ourselves there

   is this 'special' group of

   people who exist among

   us in our community

   Why are they 'special' 

   as countries with the most

   advanced technology even

   cannot trace them

   They prey on innocent

   victims of their savings

   through unethical means

   and can bypass the law

   Even countries with the

   best technology are

   unable to track them and

   apprehend them

   Sometimes we asked are

   the laws ineffective, their

   intelligence far too advance

   for countries to catch up

    Something is amiss as this

    has been going on for years

    and increasing which is

    running out of control, why

    Who are they we asked,

    these 'special' people are

    Scammers but sad they

    do not have true values

    We need not worry there is

    a Superior Person who can

    destroy them when 

    man fails to catch them

    HE is our GOD as HE tells

    us do not do harm to others 

    else harm will bestow on 

    your families and loved ones

    We have seen in history and

    our experience how one does

    harm to others their loved ones

    suffer with sickness 

    It is never to late to repent

    use your talent in the right

    way as the world needs you

    to make it a better place

     David Soh


     26 October 2024

documentation : Waffaa Badarneh 

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