السبت، 22 يونيو 2024

For Father's Day for Daddy).

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

For Father's Day for Daddy).

Kasia Dominik

When you left, the flowers stopped smelling

(For Father's Day for Daddy).

On a July morning, in the midst of suffering,

I recreate moments stuck in my memory.

With a white lily of the valley I stand by your grave,

stopping the word that the flame shines..

I miss your name so much,

for joint trips along the Raba River.

I want to understand, I am not made of stone,

why do you play checkers with God at night..

I'm still looking for your face in the window

I'm waiting for you to come in and say: I'm back.

Above the grave of the stars I am soaking wet with tears,

conducting a dialogue with a wingless angel..

I would give everything, my last shirt,

to be able to look into hazel eyes once again.

I'm waiting for the moment when I hug you

and no void will come between us..

Dear Dad, the time for the meeting is near,

open the door of heaven when I knock.

Let there be centuries of carefreeness

and the lilac will bloom in the heavenly afterlife..

Kasia Dominik


documentation :Waffaa Badarneh 

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