السبت، 29 يونيو 2024

Poem Title : OUR EARTH

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

Poem Title : OUR EARTH


Name : AshokChakravarthyTholana

Country : India

Poem Title : OUR EARTH 

The inclination and the determination

To surcharge the world with motivation;

Let’s move together in the grim situation,

To save the Earth from deadly pollutions

Imbibing the qualities of universal vision.

With deadly emissions, the air is polluted

Rivers and oceans have also been polluted,

What we inhale and exhale is polluted air,

What we drink and eat is unhealthy mire,

Why humans vie to cheat co-humans, dear!

Let us not deforest the earth and warm it,

Let the earth remain fertile as life’s support,

Earth regulates the vital life-giving elements,

And balances the imbalances as life’s support,

So, preserve its serenity with a good rapport.


documentation : Waffaa Badarneh 

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