الاثنين، 25 ديسمبر 2023

Human ambition

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

Human ambition

Prince Heroset of San Mateo.

Human ambition.

 Prince Heroset of San Mateo.

 December 25, 2023.



 Oh petty ambition!  The base emotion that consumes and enslaves the soul, the love of money is the cause of all this injustice that considers man a machine for producing resources, the loss of his nature and essence.

 The thirst for money is cumulative, the more you desire, the more it is not satisfied, do not trust anything, yourself is your best friend, what an endless misfortune to fall into its clutches.

 I saw lives destroyed, families separated, projects cancelled, dreams ended, and communities destroyed by leaders corrupted by the power of the few who believed they were its owners and masters.

 Watch your feelings, know them and be mindful.  Excessive passion can lead to your downfall, misfortune, and disgrace.  When an illness catches you, it is difficult to part with you.  ⚜️

Prince Heroset of San Mateo

documentation: Waffaa Badarneh 

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