الثلاثاء، 24 سبتمبر 2024

You will find me in the pupils of


Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

You will find me in the pupils of


Kasia Dominik

You will find me in the pupils of others.

I won't leave any traces 

in the abundance of things.

In the hearts of people, 

you will find me there

girl next door

with a smile on your face,

with dew in the strands of hair

and the rustle of trees on your cheeks.


The will will confirm

my faith in goodness, in man.

Hope to be unforgettable.


In turn, I entrust it to future generations

thoughts tempered at night,

words spilled on paper,

warmth of touch from a distance

minutes of silence.


And in the eyes of those who knew me,

I want to see a burning spark,

who will certify 

that somewhere, with someone, once – I lived

and I will continue, even though I am no longer here..

Kasia Dominik (Poland)

Documentation: Waffaa Badarneh 

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