الثلاثاء، 24 سبتمبر 2024

Heart's Hidden Magic

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

Heart's Hidden Magic

©® Lokanath Rath 

Heart's Hidden Magic


When the life get oppressed by pains of betrayal 

The musing too stops to bear betrayal's true facts

But the tender heart always remains loyal 

Only the soul knows secrets of the heart.

The secrets of the heart alway want to remain hidden 

That strengthens the patience

Who silently fights with oppression of pains

Which keeps the feelings enliven in silence.

This silence of patience becomes the inspiration 

Which opens the door for new dreams

They add strength to passion

Which neutralises soul's screams.

The passion hides the secrets of the heart with it's cover

This inspires the feelings

Who create soul's blissful whisper

Which enlives the beauty of life with dreams.

These dreams bring blissful times 

This makes the secret of hearts to play love's music

Which makes the soul to dance with it's amazing rhythms 

This is the heart's hidden magic.


©® Lokanath Rath 


documentation  : Waffaa Badarneh 

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