الثلاثاء، 10 سبتمبر 2024

Labyrinth of the Soul

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

Labyrinth of the Soul

Sanjay Singh

Labyrinth of the Soul

Lost in the labyrinth of my mind,

I swam through turmoils, far behind,

Toward a ray, so faint yet bright,

A broken heart I yearned to right.

Detached, I gazed at inner strife,

A conflict deep within my life.

I will not shrink, nor will I shroud,

My soul stands firm, my spirit proud.

Though heart may yearn, belief denies,

Yet I must rise, break through the skies,

To venture forth, seek all that’s true,

And in my pain, find something new.

I’ll live with storms, they soon will cease,

Transmuted into tranquil peace.

I'll accept the vast unknown,

And make the infinite my own.

Through conscious thought, I will defeat

The enemy beneath my feet,

Within my soul, where shadows creep,

At last, in harmony, I’ll sleep.

Sanjay Singh

documentation : Waffaa Badarneh 

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