الخميس، 26 سبتمبر 2024

Whispers of the Night

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

Whispers of the Night

Sanjay Singh

Whispers of the Night

A nightmare found its way through the open door,

Its haunting presence, I sought to explore.

I shut my eyes tight, in a room so bright,

Embraced its darkness, profound and right.

The soothing shade loomed ever near,

A silent call, a dream to cheer.

Unseen, unfelt, it crept inside,

With love untied, and faith denied.

In darkness, light began to grow,

A tender warmth I couldn't know.

Yet in its grasp, I lingered still,

Yearning to break, against my will.

I longed to roam 'neath moonlit skies,

But stayed, enraptured by its sighs.

Against the night, I stood, unmoved,

In shadows deep, my heart approved.

Around I drifted, sharp and shrewd,

A lonely soul, in solitude.

Towards my end, I walked alone,

A melody, forever known.

Sanjay Singh

documentation : Waffaa Badarneh 

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