الاثنين، 7 أكتوبر 2024

The Journey Within

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

The Journey Within

Sanjay Singh

The Journey Within 

In my mind’s vast space, I craft reality,

Where love and honour blend with clarity.

I shape a world within, a sacred shrine,

Where cosmic forces in my hands align.

With love, my universe will surely thrive,

Renewed with care as long as I’m alive.

As I treat my soul with tender grace,

In this enchanted realm, I find my place.

Not joy alone can break the heavy chain,

But knowledge deep shall free me from the pain.

Within my soul, I search for truths untold,

And fearless, I shall watch my life unfold.

With liberation’s breath, I seek to rise,

And conquer fear with every new sunrise.

In realms of bliss, beyond the endless sky,

I’ll soar as life and love refuse to die.

In wisdom’s light, I find my purpose true,

Each day reborn, each journey fresh and new.

A universe within, without, so grand,

With love and honour, I take my stand.

Together now, let’s mold this world we see,

With freedom, bliss, and endless harmony.

Our spirits strong, our hearts forever free,

In love’s embrace, we shape our destiny.

Sanjay Singh

documentation: Waffaa Badarneh 

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