السبت، 22 يونيو 2024

Address: Potulbari - Doll House

Royal Club for Literature and Peace 

Address: Potulbari - Doll House

Name: Somdatta Mitra

Name: Somdatta Mitra

Country: India

Date: 23.06.2024.

Address: Potulbari - Doll House

One summer night we got ready for the car,

To a haunted house which had a lot to give priority.

Heart was pounding to decide over the spot,

My friend was comforting me to walk towards the road.

It was dark, scary and explorable!

Perhaps the ghosts have rested in the vacant house and gone.

The strange feelings ruined my potion,

Yet the desire to visit the place enticed like a core.

Bravery and confidence,

We finally reached the designated spot to trace.

Amazed by the scene with a lot of anxiety,

Entering the haunted house in steadfastness.

Cobwebs in every room terrified nonetheless,

The panicked sensations gripped our veins with eyes bubbling through.

Every step was dangerous and risky,

Every moment it seemed we were exploring to a high degree.

 With a torch and lantern we turned to the next room,

Some broken chairs and silence as dark as doom.

I had heard many times that Potulbari was so horrible!

Many people died here and their souls harmed visitors.

Each room was very interesting with its history,

Each staircase was filled with dust and spider webs to hold a mystery.

Uncovering the curtains that were partly torn,

We were lost in the dark living room without electricity.

Sumdatta Mitra

documentation :  Waffaa Badarneh 

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